Past event

27 April 2021


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Ludwig van Beethoven
Violin Sonata No. 5 in F major, Op. 24 La primavera

Gabriel Fauré
Violin Sonata No. 1 in A major, Op. 13

Jean Sibelius
Humoresques for violin and piano, Op. 87 and Op. 89

"The biggest joy of playing is to be able to share the experience with other musicians". At only nineteen, Dutch violinist Noa Wildschut stands out for the spontaneity of her interpretations. Already on a level with established artists such as Janine Jansen, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Igor Levit and Enrico Pace, she often plays in duet with Elisabeth Brauss, a young German pianist designated BBC New Generation Artist and praised by Gramophone Magazine for being "already mature and sophisticated".

Upcoming digital concerts with the young musicians of the New Generation:

Tuesday 04.05.2021 at 19.30
Dmitrij Smirnov, violin
Marco Scilironi, piano

Tuesday 11.05.2021 at 19.30
Rinnat Moriah, soprano
Michael Wendeberg, piano

Tuesday 15.06.2021 at 19.30
Timothy Ridout, viola
Tom Poster, piano