Past event

03 May 2023



Nadège Rochat, cello
Rafael Aguirre, guitar

Manuel de Falla
Seven Spanish folksongs

Raffaele Bellafronte
Suite No. 1 for cello and guitar

Francisco Tarrega
Gran Jota, for solo guitar

Hubert Giraud
Sous le ciel de Paris

Carlos Gardel
Tomo y obligo

Astor Piazzolla

Federico Garcia-Lorca
Old Spanish songs

Manuel de Falla
Spanish Dance No. 1 from La Vida Breve

Cellist Nadège Rochat, twice awarded the Swiss SUISA prize for the interpretation of contemporary music, and Rafael Aguirre, an internationally sought-after guitarist, form an exceptionally young and talented duo. The music on the bill brings together the countries they originate from, France and Spain, with works ranging from Manuel de Falla, who was fascinated by his French colleagues, to the contemporary Hubert Giraud.